Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Would It Be Such A Bad Thing?

You'll never guess what I discovered whilst opening my inbox today - that's right, another begging letter!

This one did interest me somewhat though as it entertained the idea that our beloved leader might go to prison if I didn't hand my money over to him immediately.
This got me thinking that once upon a time I'd have been taken in by this, I'd have thought "bollocks, he can't go to prison, how will our party survive without him?" - (which is exactly how the sycophants see things)
The unblinkered reality though is that if Nick Griffin does go to prison we might just survive.
You see, here lays a golden opportunity for an interim leader to perform better than Nick and prove to the sycophants that he is not the be all and end all of nationalism in Britain.
Granted, it will be an interim leader installed by the North West MEP himself but all is not well between Nick and who he deems to be his closest allies, you see, Nick doesn't know what I know about who he proposes to take the reigns if he ends up in the slammer - believe me, Nick going to prison will possibly be the very best thing that could happen and might just secure the future of the British National Party.

The sobering truth is that if Nick does not go to prison then I struggle to see how we will be rescued from the pending winding up of the party we have made such massive sacrifice and worked so damn hard for.

A further sobering offering is that I don't think he'll be going to prison, do you?

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