Adam Walker is the new party manager and tipped to be the man Nick Griffin wants to place as leader of the British National Party when he steps down in 2013.
A lot of people believe Adam to be a decent chap, he was of course sacked from his teaching position at a school for commenting on a forum about immigration during a lesson which was nothing but an excuse to get rid of a teacher who had stood for the BNP - pathetic.
I met Adam and as far as I was concerned he was a brilliant, caring, family man, perfect for our party - then I got to know him.
I am concerned that this article will lead to a number of upsets for the family's involved but ultimately the truth will out so it might as well be now.
Adam Walker has been cheating on his wife with many different young girls and women for years.
This is just 1 of the many stories I have.
During the RWB in 2008 Kirsty Morton (party member, activist and candidate) was seen, by more than one person, sitting with Adam Walker, Adam was quite openly stroking her leg and inner thigh.
After a few more beverages Adam and Kirsty were both seen entering a tent together and within 5 minutes the unmistakable sound of sex was coming from the tent.
When Kirsty was confronted about this her reply was "ye, we sleep with each other all the time"
At the 2008 conference Adam Walker was found in the venue toilets with his pants around his ankles and Simone Clark spread eagle unfortunately for his brother Mark, who walked in on them, another party official walked in 2 minutes later and assumed the brothers were involved in a threesome.
Bringing the story forward to the 2009 victory social at Blackpool where Adam thought it would be a great Idea to take an openly lesbian young party activist to his van, lock the doors and try and thrust himself upon her declaring "I'm going to make you go straight!", this poor girl was later found cowering and crying in the ladies toilets, the woman who found her told her to keep quiet about it.
Having had his sordid fun with the nameless lesbian he then spent the night in his van with Kirsty Morton.
This is not the behaviour one would expect from the manager of the British National Party and heavily touted future leader he has shown himself up as nothing but a sexual deviant, the party seems full of this sort of behaviour doesn't it?
As we know, Adam is married and kirsty has a partner, Kirsty continues to "help" Adam out at every opportunity, her facebook picture says it all:
Kirsty has recently announced that she is pregnant - who's the daddy Kirsty?
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