Monday, 30 August 2010

Desperation Sets In

Opening my email inbox at approximately 10.26am this morning I came across yet another one of those bloody irritating begging letters, this time though it isn't the chairman with his begging bowl out, no it's Andrew Brons MEP.

This is yet another move from those who control the party which sends out the clear message that they are getting desperate.
They have realised that the chairman holds no pulling power anymore.
The majority of the rank and file are at their wits end, disgraced that the leader they held in such high esteem has turned out to be a no good pocket lining parliamentary swine.

It's probably surprising to some that Andrew Brons MEP has agreed to having this begging letter sent out in his name, it's riddled with the usual spelling mistakes that makes our party the centre of grammatical ridicule, and not just from the linguistic.
such amateurism has plagued our party from top to bottom for as long as I can remember, what's more, the chairman of our party continues to install incompetent, amateur reprobates to every important position under him.
One can only ascertain that to keep power, Griffin must surround himself, and has, with thick, braindead morons who will sycophantically suck turds from his lower colon, a position that Andrew Brons MEP fits only to well, which is unfortunate because he is one hell of a nationalist and a very competent one at that but ultimately, he knows which side his bread is buttered.

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